Personal Website V2
The current version of my personal website! I updated my website as a personal project to teach myself how to use Next.js with TypeScript. Deployed using AWS Amplify.
The current version of my personal website! I updated my website as a personal project to teach myself how to use Next.js with TypeScript. Deployed using AWS Amplify.
Personal Website V1
The first version of my personal website! My first task after graduating from Byte Academy was to create my own personal websites to show off all my skills and showcase my style. Deployed using AWS Amplify.
The first version of my personal website! My first task after graduating from Byte Academy was to create my own personal websites to show off all my skills and showcase my style. Deployed using AWS Amplify.
RecipeDex is a web application that provides users a place to scrape recipes from the internet and store them for future reference without having to have separate accounts for each site the recipe was located in. It uses recipe-scrapers, a python package that uses BeautifulSoup4, to scrape and format recipes from 56 different websites. You can find my contribution to the recipe-scrapers tool here.